Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Father Issues

Sorry I haven't written in a long time, but I have been busy with my other activites.

Now for some people that read my series on Fanfiction, "A Day with Kung Fu", my character Chrissy has some difficult time with her dad. Now for some people that actually know, Chrissy is based off of me. So that means I have difficulty with my own father, right? Actually, it's true.

Me and my dad have conversations as difficult as two rams hitting their heads. He actually yelled if I did something "not in his way". Of course this was before anyone in my family knew about me and being diagnosed with Aspergers, so he didn't really understand. But the thing is, he still doesn't listen.

One thing that my dad doesn't get is my musical talent. He keeps saying that I should do it as a back up plan. But the thing is...I don't want a musical career. I want to be an animator, and maybe a voice actor if I have the chance. But he keeps saying it over and over and over and...well you get the picture. He also said today about making my music public on iTunes and make money.

I know I would be lying that I wouldn't want to be famous, but...not like that. It bugs me so much that he keeps saying these things. It makes me feel like that he doesn't believe that I can do what I want to do. Even though he says that, I can't find it to believe in him. He's lied to me all of my life. It's so bad even my mom and my sister Emily (who actually understand my situation) don't trust him either.
 How can I trust him?

Sorry if this seems a little sad but I just need to blow off some steam. Maybe I can write my stories or draw, it always makes me feel better.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Exam/Movie time

I'm a terrible person.
I haven't been here for the longest time. I'm so sorry.
Anyways Exam are coming soon. I'm not so worried about my exams...only Biology. why? It's tough  like super hard tough. I'm just hoping I'll pass with a D.
But anyways I most recently got back from seeing "Jurassic Park in 3D" so much Nostalgia in it.
But I didn't go alone. I went with a friend, my friend Conner. I've known him since the beginning of the school year and we are the same major (Well I was a graphic design major then but changed to S.A.G. due to it being more to what want to do.) He's great to be around.
But of course my sister thought we were on a date. But it wasn't a date, it was two friends going to see the movie. I mean yeah he paid for the ticket and popcorn/drink, but he was doing it to be nice. But I recently heard the other day that he broke up with his girlfriend, but we are just friends. that's all I have to say about it.
Sorry if that friend thing was a bit off topic but I had to get it out.
Anyways that's all i have to say for now. (plus it's 1:30 at the time I'm writing this.)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sooooooo Sorry!!!!!!

Hello people,
Sorry if I haven't posted in a while. It's my lazy/busy side of me telling me what to do. But I have been pretty tried and busy with school. Plus I haven't had may thing good to report so you didn't need to hear anything boring from me anyways.
So basically I'm trying to survive my last bit of the semester(which I end in the end of April.) So things will tend to pile up. But the good news is I'm all prepared for my next semester class( but won't officially post it until Tuesday due to certain time and date to do it.) But once that's done, I'll be all set for Fall 2013. Living a nice place (The village which is like an apartment and ACTUAL air conditioning!!!) with four (Astronomy is lab and lecture in reality is five but it's really four.) classes on the way. Hooray!!!!

But I've been working on my creative side, Like my drawing for the Easter theme

And also recently made a video on a Rise of the Guardians fandub video, with me as Jamie. 

But that's all I have to say. (I told you my life hasn't been that great.)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Back from Break

Hey there,
Sorry that I haven't posted anything all spring break. I have two reasons:
1) Internet at home sucks
2) Busy enjoying my break.
But I can give you details on my break

3/1- stay at sister's place(Couldn't leave due to her working)
3/2- finally went home (So nice to have home cooked food!!!)
3/3- spent the night at friends house
3/4- nothing
3/5- nothing
3/6- nothing (But had Gusidade{Not sure if spelled right but it's an Italian dish, almost like chicken noodle soup})
3/7- went to the DIA(Detroit Institute of Art) and went to grandparents house and had Beans and Rice (Syrian and use beef instead of lamb)
3/8- went to the mall with friends (Got Wreck-it-Ralph on DVD!!!)
3/9- hair cut and errands with mom/ see old high school play with dad (they did Hamlet {Which kid of shocks me but still did a good job})
3/10- came back to school (With time gone froward UGH!)

But Monday has past and it is now Tuesday at 12:35 am and what exciting thing has happened...Making armor in 3D Art, watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith for Nonverbal communication, and learned about Nutrition in Bio Lab and watching...Super Size Me-AHHHHHHHH!!!!
NO!NO!NO!NO! NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Uh...let me explain,

You see I first encounter this movie in seventh grade health class and hated ever moment of it. It was a documentary about a guy that ate nothing but McDonalds food breakfast, lunch and dinner and if they ask to super size it, he had to do it for a WHOLE MONTH!!! I don't even eat that much out food anyways. (Because it's like that all the time when you're at college.)

It was so horrible that I didn't eat or go near McDonalds for 3 to 4 years. I ate at other fast food restaurants but going to McDonalds reminded me about that movie. But apparently I had to see it again in tenth grade for another Health class. It came to me by surprise.

I thought that was the last time I would  ever see that movie again... Apparently fate wasn't on my side.

For those that have never witness the movie...consider yourselves lucky. But if you like it and can stand the grossness...good for you.

Well I better turn in for the night.


Friday, March 1, 2013

Career Choice: Animator

Hey everyone,

It's Spring Break (Or mid winter break) for me and I can't go home until Saturday. My sister, Emily, is my ride home and she has to work. But I get to stay at her place which will be my next location (Maybe) for next school year.

I want to say that I'm sorry about the last blog post, I was kind of upset from the Oscars and had to say it.

But I do want to talk about one thing: animated films.

I recently watched "Waking Sleeping Beauty", the story about Disney animation studio's from "The Black Cauldron" to "The Lion King" and there struggles.  (It's really good and great for people that love animated films and want to be an animator)

Yes I grew up with all animated films, mostly Disney and ever since brought me everything, and I mean everything. My talents of singing, acting, drawing skills but more important my creative mind.

As I grew older I explored other films; Dreamworks, Pixar, Studio Gibli, everything.

Now you may wonder on why my topic is career choice.

Well for the longest time, I wanted to be an elementary math teacher. Yeah It's true. But at the end of my Freshman year in high school, everything changed. It was the movie "Kung Fu Panda" (Which is now my favorite film of all times) that showed me a new path, an animation path. And of course my interest for math was dying and grades falling down.

I still find it odd that now Emily is working to be an elementary math teacher right now and will be student teaching next fall. Talk about a big switch. LOL.

Anyways, I study from the best animator of our time (My personal favorite is Glen Keane), look at the animation very carefully and focus on character design. I even came up with Chrissy, my O/C from the "A Day from the Kung Fu" series.

So my career choice now is to be an animator (mostly in the work of storyboard and/or supervising animator). To be an animator is something different. It's like acting but with the use of drawing. I want to bring things to life and inspire people as those movies in the past inspired me to be who I am today.

I still work hard at school, previously an graphic design major but changed to S.A.G. (Simulating Animation Gaming) major. I will continue to work hard and to reach that goal of the animation dream.



Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscars---"Best" Animated Film

After today about the Oscars, I unfortunately found out that Brave won. Not that it's a terrible movie, but I sense a pattern that PIXAR tends to most almost all the time. And that get me a little ticked.
Wreck it Ralph, one of Brave's competitors, was a much better film (In my opinion), than brave. It was a bit different from what I usually saw and the story line was really enjoyable. As for Brave was ok at some points, much different from an actual Disney film but it had some of the plot lines from Disney films


  • Mother turned into a bear and both mother and daughter learn lesson (the movie Brother Bear)
  • Merida (Main character) doesn't want to get married and live her own life (Disney Princess: Belle, Jasmine, and Pocahontas.)
Still I think that the Oscars are in total favor to the PIXAR for some reason.
I haven't been this mad at the Oscars since back on February of 2009 when Wall-e beat Kung Fu Panda.
*if you like the movie please don't get offended. It's an ok film but I just prefer KFP so much better.*

So anyways, Oscars, please oh PLEASE!!!! Stop with the whole PIXAR winning most of the time. There are other good films out there that actually deserve to win.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hey everyone,

Well it's the weekend now for me. Monday's Bio lab (remember I had to cut open that pig) went better than I expected and I didn't have to even cut it, they cut up for you. THANK YOU!!! (Still smelled funny)
But this week was a pain since I had three test in the last two days. Luckily my Kung Fu class helps me relax a bit. And yes I'm actually doing Kung Fu (It's awesome!!!)

Now you may be wondering on the topic I'm going to talk about. Well as a part of my creative personality, I love to act and watch some plays/movies too.  I loved it ever since I was a kid and still enjoy it today. If I wrote a list of how many plays I've seen in my would be too long. My most recent plays I've seen was for my acting class last semester, "The Merchant of Venice" and "Snow White: Red as Blood, White as Snow" (Both played at my college and both really well done)

Now I've been doing acting for years, even as a kid. So my stage performance (Acting and Singing) is a common thing for me. I even do some acting on my You tube account ( *my channel*)But my goal in life is to be an animator. If I wanted to act, it's still possible.

Of course Broadway/Musicals is my most favorite one to see. And I've seen five in my life time.
*In order of when I saw them

  1. Phantom of the Opera {Saw in Detroit (Loved it)}
  2. Chicago { Saw in New York (Not the best performance I've seen, but like the story and song. Actress playing Roxie when I was there, TERRIBLE!!!)}
  3. Lion King {Saw in New York(Amazing, eve, did the workshop before watching it and learned a song and dance. Don't really remember it now, LOL.)}
  4. Wicked{Saw in Detorit(Wickedly awesome!!!)}
  5. Beauty and the Beast{Saw in Detroit(Beautiful)}
Of course I'm going to see my six show in three days. That's right. I'M GOING TO SEE THE LION KING AGAIN!!!!!  I got Tickets for it on Christmas and I'm super excited about it!!!!

Well I have to go. Counting down the days till I got to see the Lion King. YAY!!!!!



Monday, February 18, 2013

One week later

Hello everyone,

Sorry about my absence, been busy/lazy. but I'm back.

Here's some interesting (Or hopefully interesting) things that has happen.

February 14: Valentine's day

Nothing much to say since I don't really celebrate it. No boyfriend to celebrate with. But I gotten some Valentine's from of Grandparents and Parents (they don;t really count though.) but I can say I got a very nice valentine from one of my online friends, Benny. It was really sweet and made my day very happy.

Now you may be wondering on why I don't have a boyfriend or if I like anyone at the moment. Well not at the moment, been doing my own thing around here, plus classes. Not much time for a relationship for me.

Then again my reasons is well, I fear that I'll find that one person. Ninth Grade ruined it for me since I dated a guy for exactly 24 hours, and felt like I was part of a prank. I know it shouldn't really mean much to me now but something like that can scar you for life.

But I can't say I dislike romance. I just haven't found the one yet. And yes, I've faced with crushes, both the real and movie world.

Movie Crushes

  • Phantom (phantom of the opera
  • Jack Dawson( Titanic)
  • Alex (Madagascar {No so much now})
  • Mikey Simon (Kappa Mikey)
  • Po (Kung Fu Panda {And still do today})
  • Jack Frost (Only a little)

Anyways I better get going, Nonverbal Communication class is coming up. Then I'll have to face my worst fear in Bio Lab...Cutting open a pig for the second time in my life. It's gonna be as bad as watching "Super Size me" twice (Disgusting movie about a man eating nothing but McDonald's for a month. EWW!!!)


Monday, February 11, 2013

Begining of the School week

Hello everyone,

Well Monday rolled by and I had classes. It really sucks that your some sort of an Art major and all of the classes are on the other side of campus. Oh and with blasting wind to top it off, it's a pain. but it wasn't all that bad. I got some of my artwork done during 3-D art class and I just spent the time doing my drawing artwork.
Plus got out and done with my Nonverbal communication class thirty mins of class time. YAY!

And Bio Lab...UGH! I hate it!!!!! I'm not a science person. But we dealt with genetics so it wasn't that bad. But next weeks lab, it will be time to cut open a pig for two lab weeks. UGH!

But basically the rest of the night I worked on photoshop with my drawings. Like this one:

It's supposed to represent Bunnymund from Rise of the Guardians (Who is voiced by Hugh Jackman) meeting with Adam, from Real Steal (Which Hugh Jackman was in). It meant a lot to me since Real Steal was films mostly in Michigan, MY STATE!!! There was even one shooting not too far from my town. 

But anyways, I better get going, the school week has only begun, and I have Math in the morning...UGH!



Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese Year everyone,

It is now officially the year of the snake.

For the record, I'm not Chinese or have a Chinese heritage. I just have a fascination to the Chinese culture. I still question myself on how I could ever gain such interest to it. Art, history or was it Chinese food. I don't know.

Nothing much happened, but my mom came to school to help me organize my room since I live in a tight squeeze  but it's home for the school year. But the good thing about it is that I read that people tend to clean up their place for the spring festival a.k.a. Chinese New year. So I'm on track with that, plus the fact I'm wearing a red-ish shirt for today adds on the point too. But it's not really celebrating when you have fajitas for dinner instead of Chinese food. Oh well, two out of three. But if i were to have Chinese food, I would rather eat at Wah Wong's, a Chinese american restaurant in my home town that I could get great Gai Kow.

Well school's tomorrow, or hoping for no classes. It's raining here and I want it to freeze the roads. COME ON JACK FROST!!!!

Well gonna do some BIO Lab homework.



Saturday, February 9, 2013

Writer's life

Hey people out there,

As I stated before, I write things as a part of my creative side. But I mostly do my work on Fanfiction.

What is FanFiction you may ask?

A site where people write stories based off of movies, books and video games.

As for me I mostly like writing on Kung Fu Panda. Why? It's my all time favorite movie. I like the animation, characters and story. Plus I like the main character, Po, since he's kind of like me. Fun, Lovable and Caring.

But anyways, the big hit on my writing is my "A Day wtih Kung Fu" series. it's about a girl that goes to the world of Kung Fu Panda and has Kung Fu adventure. Pretty simple story line and sort of a Crossover, but I personally love it and little people love it too. but it's my biggest hit.

I'm currently writing the fourth edition, second short story, of the series. I call it "Can we be friends?" just tells the story of Chrissy(my main character) and Tigress, dealing with their friendship; as for they are like cat and a dog if you put them in the same room.

Speaking of which, i better get working on it. I'm still working on Chapter 4.

Gotta go and check out the series on Fanfiction and the site on Wikia.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Getting Started

Hello everyone that is willing to reading this,

I recently watched "Julie and Julia", you know that based on the true story about a Julia Child and Julie Powell. I somehow got the sudden interest of starting out with a blog.

I've decided to talk about my life as a creative person. I'm an artist working on getting a degree from my college and wanting to work as an animator at Disney or Dreamworks (Which one, I'm not sure though. :D)
But I'm also an actor and signer (No professionally though though my online friends say I should be.) I also work on some video work as well.

So basically I was born with the gift of the love of arts. Any arts things relative really. But it's a part of who I am.

So what works have I done?

  • I'm the creator of a fanfic series on FanFiction. net called, "A Day with Kung Fu"
  • I do fandubs/covers on Youtube.
  • Post my artwork on DeviantArt.
But it's always so hard to all that stuff when you are in college. So I'm hoping to survive my life with this creative thought, and hopefully share the world with my creative thoughts.

So as of for now, keep reading my life.

Sincerely yours,
