Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hey everyone,

Well it's the weekend now for me. Monday's Bio lab (remember I had to cut open that pig) went better than I expected and I didn't have to even cut it, they cut up for you. THANK YOU!!! (Still smelled funny)
But this week was a pain since I had three test in the last two days. Luckily my Kung Fu class helps me relax a bit. And yes I'm actually doing Kung Fu (It's awesome!!!)

Now you may be wondering on the topic I'm going to talk about. Well as a part of my creative personality, I love to act and watch some plays/movies too.  I loved it ever since I was a kid and still enjoy it today. If I wrote a list of how many plays I've seen in my would be too long. My most recent plays I've seen was for my acting class last semester, "The Merchant of Venice" and "Snow White: Red as Blood, White as Snow" (Both played at my college and both really well done)

Now I've been doing acting for years, even as a kid. So my stage performance (Acting and Singing) is a common thing for me. I even do some acting on my You tube account ( *my channel*)But my goal in life is to be an animator. If I wanted to act, it's still possible.

Of course Broadway/Musicals is my most favorite one to see. And I've seen five in my life time.
*In order of when I saw them

  1. Phantom of the Opera {Saw in Detroit (Loved it)}
  2. Chicago { Saw in New York (Not the best performance I've seen, but like the story and song. Actress playing Roxie when I was there, TERRIBLE!!!)}
  3. Lion King {Saw in New York(Amazing, eve, did the workshop before watching it and learned a song and dance. Don't really remember it now, LOL.)}
  4. Wicked{Saw in Detorit(Wickedly awesome!!!)}
  5. Beauty and the Beast{Saw in Detroit(Beautiful)}
Of course I'm going to see my six show in three days. That's right. I'M GOING TO SEE THE LION KING AGAIN!!!!!  I got Tickets for it on Christmas and I'm super excited about it!!!!

Well I have to go. Counting down the days till I got to see the Lion King. YAY!!!!!




  1. 6 plays!? I've only seen 4 (Hairspray; Mary Poppins; Wicked; Phantom of the Opera. I saw them all in NYC). I really want to see The Lion King, it looks amazing! How was it?

    Your fandubs and covers on youtube are very good, I'm really surprised that you're aiming to be an animator. You'd make a phenomenal actress!

  2. It was really amazing. Just at the very moment it starts, it takes your breath away. Pf course what made my trip really great when I was in New York seeing the Lion King is that we got to do a workshop with actual performer of the show. It was amazing.

    I do like doing my fandub, but I get very nervous with acting/singing in front of people. I am considering of doing Musical Theater as a minor, so I'll have some acting/singing abilities.

    I could be a part time actress. You know Tom McGrath, director of the Madagascar series, he done some animation work as well as acting as well. So it could be a possibility.

  3. Yeah, I've wanted to see the Lion King for awhile, and my mom wants to see it, too. Maybe we can go for my birthday (LESS THAN 2 MONTHS AWAY!) or something.

    I can understand your acting/singing nervousness. I usually don't get nervous in front of a bunch of people (it's weird. A room full of people, I'm fine. A couple of people, I'm scared out of my mind), but I get really stressed out before singing or acting.

    I've thought about being an actress lately, but I think that no matter what, I'm always leaning towards writing and being an author. Part-time actress? I dunno.

  4. Just adopted 2 baby kittens named Chester and April! That's got me thinking about being a pet owner for the first time, and about all of your pets. I know that you have a bunch of animals. What are they like? Hard to care for? I know that kittens will be easier to care for than horses and dogs, but still. New blog post, anyone?
