Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Monday, February 18, 2013

One week later

Hello everyone,

Sorry about my absence, been busy/lazy. but I'm back.

Here's some interesting (Or hopefully interesting) things that has happen.

February 14: Valentine's day

Nothing much to say since I don't really celebrate it. No boyfriend to celebrate with. But I gotten some Valentine's from of Grandparents and Parents (they don;t really count though.) but I can say I got a very nice valentine from one of my online friends, Benny. It was really sweet and made my day very happy.

Now you may be wondering on why I don't have a boyfriend or if I like anyone at the moment. Well not at the moment, been doing my own thing around here, plus classes. Not much time for a relationship for me.

Then again my reasons is well, I fear that I'll find that one person. Ninth Grade ruined it for me since I dated a guy for exactly 24 hours, and felt like I was part of a prank. I know it shouldn't really mean much to me now but something like that can scar you for life.

But I can't say I dislike romance. I just haven't found the one yet. And yes, I've faced with crushes, both the real and movie world.

Movie Crushes

  • Phantom (phantom of the opera
  • Jack Dawson( Titanic)
  • Alex (Madagascar {No so much now})
  • Mikey Simon (Kappa Mikey)
  • Po (Kung Fu Panda {And still do today})
  • Jack Frost (Only a little)

Anyways I better get going, Nonverbal Communication class is coming up. Then I'll have to face my worst fear in Bio Lab...Cutting open a pig for the second time in my life. It's gonna be as bad as watching "Super Size me" twice (Disgusting movie about a man eating nothing but McDonald's for a month. EWW!!!)



  1. Glad to see you back on here! Happy President's Day/Washington's Birthday! Many things need to be said in this comment...

    WHAT!? You dated a guy for only 24 hours!? That ************! Yeah, I need to calm down, but still, that guy is an idiot. Some things can scar you for life. I think that in college, boys aren't as foolish as they were in high school and middle school and they're probably more serious about love now.

    Valentine's Day, for me, was alright. I got a box of candies from my mom, and my friends Mobina and Adrianna and I gave each other candies and chocolates and whatnot. If I had a boyfriend I'd probably be eating nothing but candy for the next few days. Oh well.

    I did have a boyfriend once, you're able to tell by my blog titled 'Ex-Boyfriends'.

    'I'm flying, Jack, I'm flying!'- What I thought when I saw Jack from Titanic under your list of crushes.

    (Sees Po) Better not let Kelsi see this blog...

    Anyway, I've started doing book and movie reviews on my blog. I just saw the movie 'Beautiful Creatures' last night with my friend, and put a movie review of it on my blog this morning. Please check it out when you have the time!

    And I like your little 'overview of the week' thing. I've already announced in one of my blogs that I'm going to be posting every day on weekends and holidays and do an overview of the week on Fridays.

    That's all for now, see you Victoria!

    ~Leslie Sattler/Kelsi Rider

    1. Yeah it's a true story, dated a guy for 24 hours and to top it off it was right before Christmas break that happened, so feeling brokenhearted for Christmas, it sucked.
      Of course now I hear he's married now. But I could care less about him.

      And actually guys at my college are very nice and polite here. I have some guy friends here that I hang out with. We have the same major and it's great to hang around them.

    2. Yeah, I have a couple guy friends too, one of them who actually sits at my lunch table with my girlfriends and I. I'm glad you've met a lot of people with the same interests as you. I hear you meet a lot of nice people at college (keyword: hear. Not in college yet, unfortunately. Stuck way down here in middle school)
