Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Father Issues

Sorry I haven't written in a long time, but I have been busy with my other activites.

Now for some people that read my series on Fanfiction, "A Day with Kung Fu", my character Chrissy has some difficult time with her dad. Now for some people that actually know, Chrissy is based off of me. So that means I have difficulty with my own father, right? Actually, it's true.

Me and my dad have conversations as difficult as two rams hitting their heads. He actually yelled if I did something "not in his way". Of course this was before anyone in my family knew about me and being diagnosed with Aspergers, so he didn't really understand. But the thing is, he still doesn't listen.

One thing that my dad doesn't get is my musical talent. He keeps saying that I should do it as a back up plan. But the thing is...I don't want a musical career. I want to be an animator, and maybe a voice actor if I have the chance. But he keeps saying it over and over and over and...well you get the picture. He also said today about making my music public on iTunes and make money.

I know I would be lying that I wouldn't want to be famous, but...not like that. It bugs me so much that he keeps saying these things. It makes me feel like that he doesn't believe that I can do what I want to do. Even though he says that, I can't find it to believe in him. He's lied to me all of my life. It's so bad even my mom and my sister Emily (who actually understand my situation) don't trust him either.
 How can I trust him?

Sorry if this seems a little sad but I just need to blow off some steam. Maybe I can write my stories or draw, it always makes me feel better.


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