Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Monday, March 11, 2013

Back from Break

Hey there,
Sorry that I haven't posted anything all spring break. I have two reasons:
1) Internet at home sucks
2) Busy enjoying my break.
But I can give you details on my break

3/1- stay at sister's place(Couldn't leave due to her working)
3/2- finally went home (So nice to have home cooked food!!!)
3/3- spent the night at friends house
3/4- nothing
3/5- nothing
3/6- nothing (But had Gusidade{Not sure if spelled right but it's an Italian dish, almost like chicken noodle soup})
3/7- went to the DIA(Detroit Institute of Art) and went to grandparents house and had Beans and Rice (Syrian and use beef instead of lamb)
3/8- went to the mall with friends (Got Wreck-it-Ralph on DVD!!!)
3/9- hair cut and errands with mom/ see old high school play with dad (they did Hamlet {Which kid of shocks me but still did a good job})
3/10- came back to school (With time gone froward UGH!)

But Monday has past and it is now Tuesday at 12:35 am and what exciting thing has happened...Making armor in 3D Art, watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith for Nonverbal communication, and learned about Nutrition in Bio Lab and watching...Super Size Me-AHHHHHHHH!!!!
NO!NO!NO!NO! NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Uh...let me explain,

You see I first encounter this movie in seventh grade health class and hated ever moment of it. It was a documentary about a guy that ate nothing but McDonalds food breakfast, lunch and dinner and if they ask to super size it, he had to do it for a WHOLE MONTH!!! I don't even eat that much out food anyways. (Because it's like that all the time when you're at college.)

It was so horrible that I didn't eat or go near McDonalds for 3 to 4 years. I ate at other fast food restaurants but going to McDonalds reminded me about that movie. But apparently I had to see it again in tenth grade for another Health class. It came to me by surprise.

I thought that was the last time I would  ever see that movie again... Apparently fate wasn't on my side.

For those that have never witness the movie...consider yourselves lucky. But if you like it and can stand the grossness...good for you.

Well I better turn in for the night.


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