Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscars---"Best" Animated Film

After today about the Oscars, I unfortunately found out that Brave won. Not that it's a terrible movie, but I sense a pattern that PIXAR tends to most almost all the time. And that get me a little ticked.
Wreck it Ralph, one of Brave's competitors, was a much better film (In my opinion), than brave. It was a bit different from what I usually saw and the story line was really enjoyable. As for Brave was ok at some points, much different from an actual Disney film but it had some of the plot lines from Disney films


  • Mother turned into a bear and both mother and daughter learn lesson (the movie Brother Bear)
  • Merida (Main character) doesn't want to get married and live her own life (Disney Princess: Belle, Jasmine, and Pocahontas.)
Still I think that the Oscars are in total favor to the PIXAR for some reason.
I haven't been this mad at the Oscars since back on February of 2009 when Wall-e beat Kung Fu Panda.
*if you like the movie please don't get offended. It's an ok film but I just prefer KFP so much better.*

So anyways, Oscars, please oh PLEASE!!!! Stop with the whole PIXAR winning most of the time. There are other good films out there that actually deserve to win.



  1. YES! AGREED! Kung Fu Panda should have won more awards and stuff a few years ago, but that's just my opinion over my most favorite animated movie ever... I really think that Brave isn't that repetitive, though. It was pretty different than the other Disney films.

    Still haven't seen Wreck-it-Ralph.. the only reason I want to is because a bunch of classic video game characters are in it from games I really love playing (Bowser, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ryu and Ken... I'm a girl gamer!), and I've heard from movie reviews online that it was great. It may be a bit young for someone who's seen a bunch of PG13 movies in theaters, but hey, BOWSER! SONIC! RYU AND KEN! It appeals to gamers.

    Wreck-it-Ralph is on my list of movies I really want to see, next to 'Jack the Giant Slayer' (seeing it on Friday night, day it comes out, with my buds! yes!), 'Warm Bodies' (which my friends and I have been talking about seeing, we just haven't specified a date yet), and 'Les Mis' (oh my gosh, I need to hurry up and see that, it's leaving theaters soon).

  2. what I meant to say is it has some of the same material as some of those Disney films.
    I highly suggest seeing that movie though it doesn't have that many video game cameos, but it was a really good story line.
    I actually saw Les Mis in theaters twice (one the day after Christmas and the other on New Years Eve) and I loved it. I'm gonna see it again soon since my college has Friday night movies at the student center for free. The only bad thing about it is that's it's about three hours long. A long movie but worth it.

  3. Yeah, my friends have been telling me that Les Mis is amazing. I really want to see it! The longest movie I've seen was 2 hours and 40 minutes, but I can break that record when I go to see this movie.
