Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sooooooo Sorry!!!!!!

Hello people,
Sorry if I haven't posted in a while. It's my lazy/busy side of me telling me what to do. But I have been pretty tried and busy with school. Plus I haven't had may thing good to report so you didn't need to hear anything boring from me anyways.
So basically I'm trying to survive my last bit of the semester(which I end in the end of April.) So things will tend to pile up. But the good news is I'm all prepared for my next semester class( but won't officially post it until Tuesday due to certain time and date to do it.) But once that's done, I'll be all set for Fall 2013. Living a nice place (The village which is like an apartment and ACTUAL air conditioning!!!) with four (Astronomy is lab and lecture in reality is five but it's really four.) classes on the way. Hooray!!!!

But I've been working on my creative side, Like my drawing for the Easter theme

And also recently made a video on a Rise of the Guardians fandub video, with me as Jamie. 

But that's all I have to say. (I told you my life hasn't been that great.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Victoria, did you watch the KCA's on Nickelodeon last night? Wreck-It-Ralph won best animated film, which I bet you're really happy about!
