Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Update on life

Hello people out there.

I'm surprised to be back here again. It has been over a year and I'm sorry about that. There has been so much that has happened over the year I don't know where to start.

First off I'm about to enter into my fourth of college. FOUR YEARS! I can't believe it's been that long and I'm still not done. My reasoning is with my Aspergers, I want to take my time with my school work by taking four classes a semester and not fry up my brain. I'm living in the same place next year but there is one little problem, all of my roommates are 19 years old, making me pretty old since I am 21 (on to 22) years old. But I also have a job on campus. I work in the Catering department at my college and started on my winter semester 2014. I was suggested by my sister Emily who previously worked there in the past.

And speaking of Emily, she graduated in December of 2013 and just recently got her teaching job in North Carolina. So now she's gonna be living there with her dog Jaxson. Oh year she got a dog in October and I took the free time I had and went over to her apartment (that was not to far from my school since she and I went to the same college) and take care of him while she was student teaching.

And another thing had happened. You remember when I mentioned Connor from the Jurassic Park movie and considering my sister said it was a date. Well...In the end of december I got a text from him. Seemed normal friendly texting until...he asked me out. That's right! I'm out of the single board and got myself a boyfriend. We're now been dating for about 7 going on 8 months. We are happy together and love each other very much.

Well that's all I have to say. Until then.



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