Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Victoria (a.k.a.: Me) The creative per

Friday, April 5, 2013

Exam/Movie time

I'm a terrible person.
I haven't been here for the longest time. I'm so sorry.
Anyways Exam are coming soon. I'm not so worried about my exams...only Biology. why? It's tough  like super hard tough. I'm just hoping I'll pass with a D.
But anyways I most recently got back from seeing "Jurassic Park in 3D" so much Nostalgia in it.
But I didn't go alone. I went with a friend, my friend Conner. I've known him since the beginning of the school year and we are the same major (Well I was a graphic design major then but changed to S.A.G. due to it being more to what want to do.) He's great to be around.
But of course my sister thought we were on a date. But it wasn't a date, it was two friends going to see the movie. I mean yeah he paid for the ticket and popcorn/drink, but he was doing it to be nice. But I recently heard the other day that he broke up with his girlfriend, but we are just friends. that's all I have to say about it.
Sorry if that friend thing was a bit off topic but I had to get it out.
Anyways that's all i have to say for now. (plus it's 1:30 at the time I'm writing this.)